Holistic Life Coaching

Holistic Life Coach

My goal as a Holistic Life Coach is to help you magnify the love inside of you, and to realize the magnificent love that surrounds you.

All positive change begins in the mind, heart and attitude. Outer change naturally follows inner awakening.

Are you ready to embrace your passion, purpose, and potential?


Holistic Life Coaching

Fern is a Certified Professional Life Coach trained by Alan Cohen, the founder of the Holistic Life Coaching Foundation, headquartered in Hawaï, USA, and one of the most influential authors and influencers in Life Coaching today.

Alan Cohen, M.A., is the author of 28 popular inspirational books, including the best-selling The Dragon Doesn’t Live Here Anymore, the award-winning A Deep Breath of Life, and the classic Are You as Happy as Your Dog?

He is a contributing writer for the New York Times #1 bestselling series Chicken Soup for the Soul, and his books have been translated into 25 foreign languages. His work has been featured on Oprah.com and in USA Today, The Washington Post and 101 Top Experts.

holistic life coaching

Fern Wolf with Alan Cohen and other members at a Group Coaching Session.

“Alan Cohen is a major, major player in the great spiritual awakening in our world. I want powerful, enlightened, conscious people to read and APPLY his messages.”

Dr. Wayne W. Dyer, author of The Power of Intention

Your inner GURU is ready to:
• Clarify your purpose and passion
• Find your niche
• Claim your power
• Transcend limiting beliefs
• Tap into your Divine potential
• Recognize the infinite presence and power of God’s guidance
• Accept your innocence and perfection
• Deepen your self-awareness
• Access your intuitive guidance
• Gain confidence
• Allow creativity to flow
• Know that God is my source and I Am Love
• Let go of everything that is not love.
• Get clear on your spiritual path
• Create a lifestyle in alignment with your vision, skills and interests
• Embrace your worthiness for abundance
• Set appropriate and healthy boundaries
• Enjoy meaningful relationships
• See the gift in adversity
• Take 100% responsibility for your life
• Get over the old story
• Find the courage to be your Self
• Line up your life with your intentions
• Learn from the past, forgive it and leave it behind
• Achieve your goals
• Live in the NOW

Discover what it is like to release physical and emotional pain and trauma. Experience living free of fear and realize that you can design an empowered life and overcome the perceived obstacles to reach your desired goals.

Become aware of your innate wisdom and tune into your inner GURU. Identify and embrace supporting beliefs and notice how easy you can transform your life.

When you decide to embrace your Divine identity then you will open the doors to your dreams and your strength and passion and confidence will soar because as soon as you realize that change is easy you will wonder why you waited.

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Good Vibrations Health

Toronto, Ontario - Virtual Appointments Only



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