“Hado is the intrinsic vibratory pattern at the atomic level in all matter, the smallest unit of energy. Its basis is the energy of human consciousness”  Masaru Emoto.

What is HADO

“Hado” is a Japanese term  which means “vibration” or “wave motion”.

Japanese scientist Dr. Masaru Emoto introduces the concept of hado in his bestselling book, The Hidden Messages in Water.

Fern Wolf is a certified HADO Instructor, personally trained by Dr. Masaru Emoto she has fulfilled the required course contents for certification, and is now able to carry out his teachings and philosophy. Emoto and his instructors have healed many people for conditions ranging from diabetes to leukemia.

Hidden Messages in Water

In “Hidden Messages in Water”, a  New York Times bestseller, internationally renowned Japanese scientist Masaru Emoto shows how our thoughts, words and feelings can have an impact on molecules of water and in turn impact our personal health.

Using high-speed photography, Dr. Masaru Emoto discovered that crystals formed in frozen water are affected when specific thoughts are directed toward them.

He found that water from clear springs and water that has been exposed to positive thoughts and words show brilliant, complex, and colorful patterns. On the other hand polluted water, or water exposed to negative thoughts, forms asymmetrical patterns with dull colors.

More About


HADO is a technique where water is used for healing by charging the water molecules with positive thoughts or positive music.

Pure, chlorine free water is placed in a glass bottle in a place where there are no cellphones, computers, televisions, or microwaves ovens nearby.

Positive messages like as “thanks,” “appreciation,” and “love and gratitude”  are written on pieces of paper and then stuck on the bottle. For healing one can write suitable messages like, “My (problem) or (pain) has gone or has been cured.” The paper should be stuck with the messages facing inward.

Finally drink the water for surprising results!

Qualities of a HADO Instructor

A caring human being who is dedicated to creating a kinder gentler more peaceful environment in our world.

One who will spread the idea about HADO through the images of water crystals and its ideas to the people around the world.

One who will support the WPWP (http://www.hado.net), which will provide 650 million copies of children’s version of Message from Water to the children in the world.
(Coordination of publishing, distribution, sponsorship, and donation per different countries).

Qualities of a HADO Instructor

One who has a network and community where he or she can share her HADO techniques, and thoughts, including any and all existing healing practices.

One who is into research of free energy technology.
One who has the ability to become a coordinator for adoption of HADO technology to different industries.

One who would like to spend time researching about water in a professional setting.

Qualities of a HADO Instructor

One who wants to spread the idea of what the society may call metaphysical subjects.

One who is seeking a new career using Hado ideas.
One who is hoping to introduce his/her own Hado products.

One who was purely curious about what HADO is all about.

One who is hoping to add Hado-like technology and philosophy to his/her own organization.

Any others who are hoping for world peace and who would like to do something towards that purpose.

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